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Can a tummy tuck scar really be hidden underneath underwear or bikini bottoms?

Men and women throughout Poplar Bluff, Arnold and other nearby communities, including Marion/Carbondale, Illinois, are invited to learn more about our tummy tuck options.

For most patients the scar that results from a traditional abdominoplasty or tummy tuck can be hidden under most underwear and many bikini bottoms. Obviously, there are always exceptions with respect to the patient’s individual scar are the particular underwear or bikini bottoms that are chosen. Currently, many fashions in underwear and bikinis involve wider waistbands and higher waistbands. However, this fashion, like most, is likely to change. Concerns about final scar locations should be directly addressed during individual consultations. If there is a specific pair or type of underwear or bikini bottom that the patient would like to wear and have the scar hidden beneath, it is always best to bring those to the consultation and on the day of surgery for pre-operative marking.

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