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The Best Tummy Tuck for You

After exciting life events like pregnancy or weight loss, or even with heredity and aging, the stomach can be a difficult area to restore with diet and exercise.  If you are striving for a flat, well-toned tummy but are not able to reach your goals alone, a tummy tuck may be the right option for you! There are different types of abdominal surgery available at Heartland Plastic Surgery, and each has its own benefits. If you are in the Farmington, MO area, our board-certified physician Dr. Stewart Humphrey, MD can help you choose the right option to achieve your desired outcome.

Mini Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

A mini tummy tuck addresses only excess skin and stretch marks below the belly button, offering a smaller incision than the full tummy tuck. This limited incision allows for the muscles below the belly button to be tightened and excess skin on the lower stomach to be removed. The mini tummy tuck offers a shorter recovery time than other options.

Full Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

A full abdominoplasty, commonly known as a traditional tummy tuck, is the most popular stomach surgery as it addresses the stomach area from just below the ribs to just above the pubic area. During a full tummy tuck, an incision is made from hip bone to hip bone. This longer incision allows tightening of both the upper and lower stomach muscles, as well as removal of a greater amount of excess skin and fat. Additionally, the belly button is repositioned, giving it a more pleasing appearance. Post-operative drains may or may not be needed with this procedure. Most patients return to work in 2-3 weeks and can return to all normal activities in 6-8 weeks.

Extended Abdominoplasty with Fleur-de-Lis Incision

An extended Fleur-de-Lis tummy tuck can produce some of the most dramatic results of any type of tummy tuck. As the name implies, it creates an incision in the shape of a fleur-de-lis to remove excess skin both vertically and horizontally. This procedure is most commonly selected for patients who have had a significant weight loss and need skin removed from the upper and lower abdomen, as well as the flank area. Results can offer a dramatically tightened and slimmed profile.


Although not categorized as a cosmetic procedure, a panniculectomy is an insurance-covered procedure that removes excess skin and tissue from the lower hanging pannus, commonly referred to as the ‘apron’. It is most often done for medical reasons, such as irritation under the pannus (rashes, ulcers, etc.) and interference with normal activities. This procedure does not include cosmetic aspects such as muscle tightening and belly button repositioning, but can still contribute to a flatter abdomen and greater quality of life.

Schedule a Consultation

A tummy tuck can be one of the best options for restoring the abdomen and rejuvenating the lower body. When considering your options, it’s important to find the tummy tuck that fits you and your goals best. If you are in the Farmington area, contact our office for a free consultation.

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