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Unveiling the Truth about Tummy Tucks in Cape Girardeau

Are you thinking about a “new you” in the summer season? Or yearning for youthful skin contours after childbirth or significant weight loss? At Heartland Plastic Surgery, led by Dr. Stewart Humphrey, we specialize in procedures that transform your body and confidence. Today, we are here to unveil the realities of Tummy Tucks in Cape Girardeau.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

Also known as abdominoplasty, a ‘tummy tuck’ is a plastic surgery designed to flatten your abdomen by removing extra fat and skin and tightening muscles in your abdominal wall. It’s not a one-step solution for weight loss but a contouring option when other methods, like diet and exercise, have not helped.

Why Do People Opt for a Tummy Tuck?

At Heartland Plastic Surgery, there are a variety of motivations for tummy tuck treatment. Whether it’s a craving for a sleeker, smoother abdominal profile or the desire to feel better in clothes and swimwear, the reasons are multifold. Significant changes to body conditions like pregnancies, aging, significant weight loss, heredity, or prior surgery contribute to people opting for this solution.

Preparing for a Tummy Tuck Procedure

Dr. Humphrey and the caring staff at Heartland ensure an informed pre-surgical process. It involves medical evaluations, medications, pre-procedure health adjustments (like quitting smoking and avoiding certain medications), and setting the expectations right. The procedure planning at Heartland is tailored to fit your unique needs and provide the best outcome.

Detailed Procedure Steps

A typical tummy tuck involves incisions, the exact patterns of which depend on the amount of excess skin to be removed. With his seasoned expertise in plastic surgery, Dr. Humphrey performs the procedure under general anesthesia and ensures meticulous suturing after removing excess skin. The result? A firmer, flatter abdominal profile.

The Recovery Process

There will be dressings/bandages post-surgery, and you will need to wear the provided compression garment to minimize swelling. While a small, thin tube may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain excess fluid or blood, the specifics and gradual return to regular activity and work take about two to four weeks.

Addressing Common Myths and Realities

One common myth we encounter often is the belief that tummy tucks are a weight-loss tool; the reality is different. A tummy tuck isn’t a substitute for weight loss or an appropriate exercise program. And while the results are technically permanent, significant weight fluctuations can diminish its outcome.

Contact Us

Heartland Plastic Surgery in Cape Girardeau specializes in understanding each patient’s unique needs and concerns. We believe in a journey shaped by professional knowledge and a patient-centric approach. If you are considering a tummy tuck, make an informed choice and book your consultation with the dedicated team at Heartland Plastic Surgery today.

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