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Important Items To Know Before Getting Arm Lift Surgery

Most people choose arm lift surgery because they are bothered by excess skin and/or fat on their arms. As with all surgical procedures, there are some things you should consider before deciding if arm lift surgery is right for you.

Overall Arm Lift Procedure

It’s important to be aware of the overall arm lift process so you know what will happen during the procedure. During your personalized consultation with one of our two board-certified plastic surgeons, we will review what to expect from your surgical procedure including how much time your surgery will take, how much recovery time will be required, and the risks associated with the procedure. Arm lifts at Heartland Plastic Surgery are performed at Silver Springs Surgery Center under general anesthesia. The operation can take between 2 to 3.5 hours depending on how much excess skin and fat needs to be removed and if any additional liposuction needs to be performed. After the procedure is finished, you’ll be taken to recovery where you will be monitored as you come out of anesthesia.

Patients sometimes feel groggy, nauseous, and disoriented at this time, which is why our nurses will monitor you closely to ensure you have the most comfortable transition possible. A friend or family member will then need to drive you home where you will recover comfortably. You will need someone to stay with you overnight to care for you.

Arm Lift Incisions

The reality of plastic procedures is that they result in some scarring, as the incisions necessary to remove sagging skin and tissue heal into scars over time. Fortunately, the scar from an arm lift will fade over time as it heals but can take up to a year to fully heal and return to flesh-colored. We recommend a Scar Recovery Gel to all cosmetic surgery patients as it helps us properly heal your scar over time. The incision size can vary depending on the type of arm rejuvenation desired: the more extensive the area of concern, the more extensive the scar can be.

Risks of Arm Lift Surgery

With any medical procedure, there are risks involved with an arm lift that can appear during or after arm lift procedures. The main ones include bleeding, infection, and scarring. There is always the possibility of revision surgery at a later time if you notice fluctuations in your weight or skin elasticity. For this reason, we prefer you to be as close to your maintainable goal weight as possible beforehand. Talk with your doctor about what risk factors may apply to you before considering this type of significant weight loss procedure.

Arm Lifts Aren’t the Right Choice for Everyone

Not all concerns about the appearance of the upper arms necessarily require a surgical arm lift. There may be other solutions for minimal amounts of fat and loose skin that are more affordable and less invasive than a full arm lift procedure. Your Heartland doctor can give you more information on what your best options are for arm enhancement during an examination and consultation.

Arm Lift Surgery Has Its Limits

Although arm lifts are highly effective ways to enhance the appearance of the upper arm, it does have some limitations. Our doctors work with patients to educate them on the limitations of the cosmetic procedure and set realistic expectations for the result.

Arm Lifts in Cape Girardeau, MO

The board-certified plastic surgeons at Heartland Plastic Surgery are well-known for their personable demeanor, honesty, and understanding, and have helped countless patients see the beautiful results they wanted from plastic surgery. To learn more about an arm lift and how it can help you achieve a better lifestyle, call our office or contact us online to schedule your arm lift consultation today.

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