Medical Minute: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Dr. Humphrey
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is compression of the median nerve, resulting in numbness and tingling in these three fingers and sometimes half of the ring finger. It can really happen to anyone, manual laborers, people who use a lot of hand tools, use things that vibrate, repetitive type jobs. During the surgery, we make a small incision in the hand and we go down to that tight fiber band that makes up the top of the tunnel, and we divide that and it takes the pressure off of the nerve. There are two ways to do it; one is endoscopically where you have a couple of small incisions. The traditional way is through a small incision that’s about an inch and a half long. Either way the surgery takes about 15 or20 minutes, you go home the same day, the only limitation is to keep the hand clean and not do any heavy lifting for a couple of weeks.
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