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Quick Recovery Breast Augmentation in Jackson, MO


Quick Recovery Breast Augmentation (Mammoplasty) Before & After Pictures

Jackson Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery, also known as breast implants, is one of the most popular breast surgery procedures for residents in Jackson. We’ve helped countless patients who were self-conscious about their sagging breasts or small breast size quickly enhance their body image and self-confidence. The breast augmentation procedure is also suitable for Jackson patients who are suffering from asymmetrical breasts, patients experiencing an implant rupture or breast implant illness, or those who have undergone a mastectomy following a breast cancer diagnosis.

Whether you’re interested in silicone-filled implants or saline-filled implants, the surgical procedure is typically the same. Your surgeon will make a small incision in the fold along the lower part of the breast, in the armpit, or in the skin around the areola to insert the implant underneath the breast tissue or chest muscle. Breast implant surgery is performed using general anesthesia, and patients can expect moderate discomfort for just a few days as scar tissue heals and they adjust to the new breast volume.

Breast augmentation before and after pictures are the best way to visualize your results. You can browse through a variety of before and after pictures online before making any decisions. And speaking with a board-certified breast augmentation plastic surgeon near Jackson will also help guide you in the right direction for your procedure.

The best candidates for breast implants in Jackson are non-smokers in fairly good health who are looking to increase the firmness and size of their breasts. Many patients also opt to have other procedures such as a breast lift performed at the same time. You can also view before and after pictures of these combo procedures to see what suits your personal goals the best.

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