Why Choose a Breast Lift Over a Breast Augmentation?
When looking at your options for a breast procedure, it can be difficult to figure out what option is best for you. Although breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic procedure performed each year, the breast lift is also a popular option that accomplishes some different goals. Here’s a quick guide to choosing the right surgical procedure to achieve your goals.
Breast Lift Versus Breast Augmentation Surgery
Both the breast augmentation and the breast lift are meant to enhance the breasts by addressing your personal aesthetic concerns. The breast lift is a procedure that is accomplished by removing excess skin in the breast and then tightening the breast skin to lift them up and improve the shape. Also, this procedure can help change the look of your nipples and areola to make them more aesthetically pleasing, centering them for a perkier look.
In contrast, augmentation is a procedure that uses silicone breast implants to increase breast size and improve the shape of breast tissue. Breast implant surgery typically uses saline or silicone implants; nearly 90-95% of our patients decide on silicone over saline implants.
Who is a Candidate for a Breast Lift?
Breast lifts are a good option for women that have sagging breasts. The outcome of a breast lift tends to be the more natural-appearing cosmetic surgery. This is due to the use of your own breast tissue as opposed to silicone gel implants.
Although, many patients benefit from a combination procedure that does use implants. Dr. Stewart listen to your aesthetic goals and offer his breast surgery recommendation. Many survivors of breast cancer seek to restore some fullness to their chests and build their confidence. To restore their breast symmetry, Dr. Stewart will lift the breasts and insert an implant into the breast tissue
So, patients looking for breast rejuvenation without the addition of breast implants can find great results with a breast lift. It’s important to keep in mind that a breast lift does not produce enhanced volume like breast augmentation, so the breast lift results in smaller breasts than an augmentation. However, the breast lift provides a pleasing placement of breast tissue if you are already satisfied with the size of your breasts.
There are a few ways breast lifts can be performed and, in order to find what best suits your body and your needs, you should set up a private consultation with a reputable, board-certified plastic surgeon. Your treatment options differ based on the degree to which your breasts sag, your medical history, if you are or plan to be pregnant, and your age. Breasts change over time, so open communication with your plastic surgeon can make all the difference for your results.
Do You Need a Breast Lift?
It’s important to understand your reasons for considering a breast lift in order to communicate your desired outcome to your plastic surgeon during your physical exam.
Some common reasons women opt for a breast lift are:
- Nipples that point downward
- Asymmetrical breasts
- Sagging breasts
- Nipple/Areola that fall under the crease of the breast
Schedule a Consultation
A breast lift can be an excellent option if you’re looking for breast rejuvenation without implants. Contact Heartland Plastic Surgery today if you have any questions about what is right for you or to schedule your breast lift consultation. We invite you to call or fill out our online form.
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